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Nuevos retos docentes en ciencias sociales y jurídicas (LEX) (Spanish and Catalan Edition) Nuevos retos docentes en ciencias sociales y jurídicas (LEX) (Spanish and Catalan Edition)
Roser Casanova MartAtildeshy
Cristina VillAtildesup3 TravAtildecopy
Frederic Adan Domenech
Angela Anzalone
Paloma Arrabal Platero
Ana Isabel Blanco GarcAtildeshya
Beatriz Bonet Amela
Paula CastaAtildeplusmnos Castro
MarAtildeshya JosAtildecopy CatalAtildeiexcln Chamorro
Elisabet Cerrato Guri
Yolanda Cruz
Ignacio Cubillo LAtildesup3pez
Luis-AndrAtildecopys Cucarella Galiana
Eva Esparza Jimeno
Patricia Espejo MegAtildeshyas
Antonio FernAtildeiexclndez GarcAtildeshya
Raquel Flores Buils
Miguel Atilde#129ngel Fortea BagAtildeiexcln
MarAtildeshya JosAtildecopy GarcAtildeshya Alguacil
Fernando GascAtildesup3n Inchausti
Ana GimAtildecopynez Costa
Carmen GAtildesup3mez BuendAtildeshya
Juan Pablo GonzAtildeiexclles Bustos
Jan Gonzalo Iglesia
Ricard Gracia Retrotillo
Esther Guerrero Vizueto
Patricia IbAtildeiexclAtildeplusmnez IbAtildeiexclAtildeplusmnez
Mordf Rosa Isern Salvat
Carmen LAtildeiexclzaro GuillamAtildesup3n
Diana MarAtildeshyn Consarnau
Patricia Panero Oria
Carmen Parra
Pilar Peiteado Mariscal
Joan PicAtildesup3 i Junou
Antoni Pigrau SolAtildecopy
Jordi RegAtildeshy RodrAtildeshyguez
Estela Rivas Nieto
Paola Rodas Paredes
Mariola RodrAtildeshyguez Font
Adolfo Jorge SAtildeiexclnchez Hidalgo
MarAtildeshya de los Atilde#132ngeles Serrano Alfonso
Atilde#129ngel Urquizu CavallAtildecopy
Enrique Valines GarcAtildeshya
Carolina Villacampa Estiarte
Maria Luisa VillamaAtildeshyn LAtildesup3pez
Milenka Villca Pozo
Paula DomAtildeshynguez TristAtildeiexcln
Huygens Editorial
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